Media owner & publisher:
Benn-Ibler Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Schreyvogelgasse 3, 1010 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 531 55 - 0, Fax: +43 1 531 55 - 555
VAT number: ATU72043139
Managing Director:
Mag. Dr. Stefan Eder
Company register:
FN 467296 a, Commercial Court Vienna
Responsible chamber
Vienna Bar Association
Applicable professional regulations can be found at
Object of the company:
The object of the company is the practice of law, including the necessary ancillary activities and the management of the company’s assets.
All contents (texts, photos, graphics, layout, program code, database contents, etc.) are protected by copyright. Any use is only permitted with express permission. The Austrian Copyright Act (UrhG) applies.
Portrait photos: Interfoto - Photographer Vienna
Graphics, photos: fotolia
We reserve the right to take legal action in the event of copyright infringement.
We have taken the utmost care in compiling the content and articles; however, we cannot accept any liability for the completeness, topicality and correctness of the information and content provided on this website. We reserve the right to make changes at any time.
The articles and other content on this website are for general information purposes only and do not replace legal advice.
The publisher of this website does not identify itself with the content of external websites (links) and accepts no liability for this. At the time the links to external websites were created, they did not contain any illegal content. However, it is not possible to check these links on an ongoing basis. Access to third-party websites is at the user’s own risk and responsibility.
The link liability according to the Austrian E-Commerce Act (ECG) applies.
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